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Who are we?

Coleford Theatre Group is a Non-Profit making organisation, the aim of which is to put on performances not only for the Community of Coleford, but also for surrounding areas.


The Group has the privilege of being based at Coleford Royal British Legion Hall, which is undoubtedly one of the best Halls in the area for this kind of theatre work.  Sincere thanks must go the RBL Committee for their co-operation and assistance in facilitating our Productions.

Coleford Theatre Group was reformed in 2014 after previously being known as CF5 Productions for a number of years.  The majority of people in the group have remained with the group throughout, with (as is always the case), a few joining and a few leaving over time.  The Past Productions page shows performances put on by the group in both its formats over the last few years.

The major issue with any Community-based Group is fundraising, and our Group is no different to any other.  Fundraising is done by the members paying a subscription at every rehearsal, which covers the Hall Hire for the reheasals and storage costs.

Other fundraising is done by means of Quiz Nights, Jumble Sales, Murder Mystery nights, etc, and sponsorship from the Parish Council and Local Companies.  Please click here for details of our forthcoming events.

The cost to a village Group of putting on musicals where the scripts are hired, royalties from performances must be paid and costumes must be hired can be quite daunting.  The example below is from "Scrooge" that we performed in 2009 :

Scripts, Programmes, cost of Tickets, etc : £ 470.00

Construction, Props, etc :                            £ 131.00

Royalties + Music :                                      £ 554.00

Costume Hire :                                          £2,297.00


TOTAL :                                                     £3,452.00


The only other income is from ticket sales and ice creams.


We hope this has given you some enlightenment into the Group, please enjoy browsing the rest of the site.


We are always looking for new members so if you wish to join the Group to go on stage or help in any other way or have any suggestions to assist the Group in any way, please go to our Contact Us page or come along and meet us at the Coleford Royal British Legion Hall every Monday evening from 7:30pm (excl.Bank Holidays and December when we're having a breather!).


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